Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Blog Post #6: Anti-War Voices

One of the first articles that caught my eye on the website antiwar.com began with the title, "The Media Aren't Telling the Whole Story". Immediately curious as to what they were talking about, I clicked on the article. The title told me right off the bat that I was about to read something the U.S. government did not want to get out. 

Part of our First Amendment rights as American citizens is freedom of the press. How free is the press? Is the press coming up with their own narratives and reporting on stories they've written for themselves, or is the government spoon-feeding journalists hand-picked information to prevent them from spewing other bits and pieces of information that they want to shield from the public eye?  

The first article I clicked on discussed severe floods in Libya, which I have seen nothing about in the news. Thousands of people are dead or missing, many houses have been destroyed, their dams are in bad shape (which caused the floods) and overall, the politics in Libya have been an absolute trainwreck for years. Who obliterated Libya's political system? The U.S. government. 

Further down the article, it is mentioned that NATO went behind the back of the United Nations and violated what was allowed. NATO launched what they called a "humanitarian intervention" but over two thousand Libyans were killed in the process. NATO labeled the intervention in Libya as a means to protect its citizens, when in reality, they intended from the start to cause destruction. Also, they murdered Libya's dictator at the time, Muammar Gaddafi, with little to no supporting evidence that he was plotting to use his troops to mass murder and rape civilians. 

The tragic invasion of Libya was closely compared by the U.S. government to the invasion of Iraq and the murder of Saddam Hussein. The two events are similar in the way that NATO went and started a war based on zero proven facts without the United Nations permission. Circling back to the beginning of this post, I think that I have to seek out obscure websites such as antiwar.com in order to hear strong antiwar voices because the U.S. government is overly supportive of war. They love the idea of war. They jump for joy at the thought of sending troops out with explosives. 

Why is no one stopping them? The U.S. government has developed an abundance of power over time. Weapons have been upgraded, and laws have been both rewritten and unwritten from history. There's a famous quote by George Santayana that sits in the back of my head. He once said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". Erasing history will only lead to it coming back to haunt you in the future. 

When you take a minute to think about all of the history that has been erased, or unwritten, or how many people have tried to make you forget it happened, there is a long list. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the original verdict of Roe v. Wade. Also, in the past, someone tried to tell me, a Jewish woman, that the holocaust was not real and did not happen, as a joke. If tragedies in history such as the holocaust were to be forgotten, that leaves a chance of repetition later on, and I cannot begin to imagine what that would look like today. 

I believe that the roots of any country lie within its government. What does that say about America as a whole? Libya no longer has roots to grow from, as it still does not have a government. 

In conclusion, the U.S. government is too powerful, history is capable of repeating itself if one tries to forget or erase it, and I hope that Libya can reconstruct its government and restore what was destroyed. 

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